Villa Romana

Villa Romana

Via Crocefisso, 22, Desenzano del Garda

  • Horaires d'ouverture: 9.00 - 17.30
  • Téléphone: +39 030/9143547
  • Prix: € 5,00

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 Discovered in 1921 in the heart of Desenzano del Garda, the remains of the villa extend over an area of one hectare. It is considered the most important example in Northern Italy of the grand villas from the Late Roman era. Construction first began on the villa in the 1st century A.D., and it was finally completed at the beginning of the 4th century. Besides the "Antiquarium" with sculptures, necklaces, utensils, oil lamps, brooches, etc., other points of interest are the octagonal vestibule, the peristyle, the entrance hall, the sumptuous "aula trichora" and the "viridarium", complete with a nymphaeum. The magnificent mosaic floor is decorated with scenes of hunting, fishing and farming

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